I look on the internet and there are people who have proof that there was no moon landing, Kennedy was killed by the CIA, the government is storing UFO's, the Sept. 11 attack on the Trade Centers was an inside job, the Democrats are running a child sex ring, the Government is trying to increase control over us, the Covid vaccine contains a micro-chip etc etc etc....
I went to a JW meet-up a few years ago and met a (40 something )former "brother" who seemed completely normal, told me his JW horror story and about his new career and his life since then. Later that evening we spoke again and he began talking about how he'll never trust religion again because he found out that the earth is actually flat and religions believe it's round because the Bible says so in Genesis etc. He began presenting facts and figures that proved to him without a doubt that the earth is indeed flat and that we've all been part of a hoax and nothing could convince him otherwise.
In terms of Covid, I didn't want to get a vaccination. I figured that I probably wouldn't get it but I probably wouldn't be too bad off if I did since I'm in good health and keep fit etc . All I know is what I see. My wife supervises a staff in a local Hospital Lab. The Hospital was completely renovated less than 5 years ago. Three weeks ago because of the Covid deaths, they installed commercial air conditioners in the Hospital Chapel and have converted it into an additional Morgue. Almost all of the patients she is seeing have not been vaccinated. They are not all elderly. There have been children and young people but most are middle age and they are dying. Last weekend one of her JW family members (heavyset 53 year old male) died of Covid. He lives/lived in a small rural town a few hours from us and he and his JW family were /are anti-vaxers. They all got Covid but he didn't make it. Our next door neighbor is a Neonatal RN and has been run off her feet for the last year and a half treating pregnant women with Covid who have gone into labor too early because they are so sick. The babies are premature and have to be separated from the mothers
I was vaccinated 5 months ago and apart from a sore arm, there have been no problems. Our family and everyone I know I has been vaccinated and no one (including several front line healthcare workers), has had Covid or vaccine side effects . I figure that if the FDA and our Government is truly F'd up enough to give 300+ million of it's own people a risky vaccination just to control them, as some people believe, then we've got bigger worries than Covid.